Our Story

Pure Purpose


At Purified, we strive to create the most comfortable and affordable clothing. Our main purpose is to give back to the world by donating 10% of our profits to a charity, organization, or foundation we believe will make a positive impact to our world. Each of the seven collections has a different charity selected where donations will be sent to. The list of organizations is shown at the bottom of the page. Help Purified change the world through one purchase at a time. #purifiedforall #everypurchasemakesadifference 1 John 4:15-16

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Pure Comfort

Our Story

We are five college students trying to fulfill our dream of leaving the biggest footprint we possibly can by helping the environment and people in need. There are people suffering all over the world in both advanced and non-advanced countries. Everyone deserves the minimum necessities of food, water, and shelter. We wanted to create a business that would be a part of making a difference in the world. Our goal is to care for the planet and the people in it by financially partnering with charities that have the same intentions. With the help of all our customers, we can be a solution.#purifiedforall #everypurchasemakesadifference

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Purified For All

One World Under God

At Purified, we believe in God and that He loves everyone. He has helped us during this journey and we give all the glory and honor to Him. We are not trying to persuade people to believe what we do. Purified clothing is made for people from any and every background, culture, race, and religion. If you are curious or interested to learn more about God, feel free to contact us by pushing the button below! #purifiedforall #pureglory #everypurchasemakesadifference

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What charities we will be donating to

Spring Collections

Spring Sunshine Collection

Donating to: Filter of Hope

  • With the purchase of an item from our Sunshine Collection 10% of your purchase will be used to donate to the “Filter of Hope” organization which provides water filters all over the world for those who don’t have the luxury of having clean drinking water accessible to them. They have already helped filter as much as 25 million gallons of water in over 70 countries! With your guys’ help purchase by purchase, we can all change the world.

Elevate Collection

Donating to: Save the Children Organization

  • With the purchase of an item from our Elevate Collection 10% of your purchase will be used to donate to the “Save The Children Organization.” This Organization helps give kids who aren’t as fortunate get a chance to learn and receive life-changing help while also providing them with protection. This is a truly amazing organization that helps children all over the world and with your purchase, you are helping these children too. Purchase by Purchase helps us change the world.

Rainy Day Collection

Donating to: Salvation Army

  • With the purchase of an item from our Rainy Day Collection 10% of your purchase will be used to donate to the “Salvation Army.” Purchasing anything from our Rainy Day Collection will help people all over the World in more ways than you know, The Salvation Army is an amazing organization that gives so much back to the community in multiple ways. With your guys' purchase, you are giving aid to those who have been affected by natural disasters, food pantries, responses to human trafficking, help for domestic abuse, and so many more amazing causes. Purchase by Purchase helps us change the world.

Vitamin D Collection

Donating to: Cancer Research Institute

  • With the purchase of an item from our Vitamin D Collection 10% of your purchase will be used to donate to the “Cancer Research Institute.” This organization has now produced 28 different cancer treatments and also has 4 Million plus patients eligible worldwide for immunotherapy annually. Cancer is one of the worst things someone can experience during their lifetime, and just with your guy’s purchase, you are helping give more and more people a chance at a better life. Purchase by Purchase helps us change the world.

Sand Dunes Collection

Donating to: Wounded Warrior Project

  • With the purchase of an item from our Sand Dune Collection 10% of your purchase will be used to donate to the “Wounded Warrior Project.” This organization helps Veterans all over who are seeking assistance and well-deserved help after the sacrifices they made so we may live the lives we have today. With your help, our Veterans can get help with financial assistance, physical and mental well-being, and even full assistance with injuries these heroes may have suffered during their service. Purchase by Purchase helps us change the world.

Space Collection

Donating to: National Alliance on Mental Health

  • With the purchase of an item from our Space Collection 10% of your purchase will be used to donate to the “National Alliance on Mental Illness.” In today’s world, peoples Mental Health is at an all-time low. Being college students we experienced the coronavirus in our high school years and missed out on a lot of vital life experiences, as a result of that studies show that it led to a massive increase in depression rates. And the same goes for other generations. Another study shows that there was a huge increase in adults who reported having signs of mental illness during the pandemic which can linger with you years later. The National Alliance on Mental Illness commonly known as “NAMI” is a great organization that provides 24-hour helplines, and support groups,  while also hosting events to spread awareness.  Purchase by Purchase helps us change the world.

Tee It Up Collection

Donating to: USAGA (U.S. Adaptive Golf Alliance

With the purchase of an item from our Tee It Up Collection 10% of your purchase will be used to donate to the “USAGA (U.S. Adaptive Golf Alliance).” Purchasing anything from our Tee It Up collection will help golfers with disabilities learn how to play golf. The USAGA is an amazing organization because they make golf accessible to those who love the game, but need a little assistance to make it possible to play the game they love. With all of your purchases towards the Tee It Up collection will make the game of golf more compatible for everyone. “The USAGA consists of 40 member organizations throughout the United States helping spread Adaptive Golf to the 20 million individuals interested in learning. Purchase by purchase helps us change the world!

Breakfast Ball Collection

Donating to: Feeding America

With the purchase of an item from our Breakfast Ball Collection 10% of your purchase will be used to donate to “Feeding America.” Feeding America is a food pantry organization trying to solve hunger in America. Feeding America is a hunger relief organization who provides food to those in need. In America, hunger is a huge problem, everyone deserves food, but is not able to provide it all the time. Feeding America states “In 2022 alone, 49 million people turned to food assistance for extra help.” By purchasing an item in our Breakfast Ball Collection, you are doing more than buying a clothing item, you are helping someone who suffers hunger eat. Purchase by purchase helps us change the world.

Original Logo (2019) Collection

Donating to: Radiant Church

With the purchase of an item from our Original Logo (2019) Collection 10% of your purchase will be used to donate to “Radiant Church.” When I used lived in Michigan, I regularly attended this church with my family. I made the decision to get baptized at this church when I was in 6th grade. Radiant Church gives part of their resources to ministries all around the world. These missionaries are sent for various reasons that range from planting a new church to caring for those in need. Radiant Church actively participates in local and global outreach to build and expand the Kingdom of God. By purchasing an item in our Original Logo (2019) collection, you are doing more than buying a clothing item, you are supporting a church and the ministries they provide too. Purchase by purchase helps us change the wor